Nov. 13, 2024

Finding Power in Your Intuition

Finding Power in Your Intuition

Let’s talk about one of the most underutilized skills in business: intuition. If you’ve ever had a "gut feeling" guide you to the right decision, you know that intuition is real, powerful, and, unfortunately, often undervalued—especially in an industry like financial services that prides itself on hard facts and data. As women in an industry where we're still underrepresented, tapping into our intuition isn’t just a bonus; it’s a strategic advantage.

The business world relies heavily on what’s considered a “masculine” energy: striving, achieving, pushing forward, and hustling are modeled and celebrated. This energy can serve us well—it helps us climb, succeed, and carve out a place in this industry. But leaning only on this energy can feel draining and even leave us disconnected from our own inner wisdom.

That’s where intuition and a more “feminine” energy come into play. Embracing intuition requires a different approach—one that’s open, receptive, and focused on allowing things to flow instead of forcing outcomes. It’s about making space for insight rather than always pushing forward. And that’s where our power to make wise, balanced decisions really comes alive.

In our episode featuring Mary Beth Franklin, she shared how she trusted her intuition over well-meaning career advice to lead to her career success. In recent years, I've been working on tuning into my intuition in my career as well. Here are some of the top things I've learned that I'm eager to share with the WomenShare community.

1. Get Quiet

The first step to accessing our intuition is creating space for it to speak up. Life (and work) is noisy, and if you’re anything like me, your day is full of calls, emails, and back-to-back meetings. Making time to get quiet is often the last thing on our list, yet it’s essential for tuning into that inner wisdom.

This openness requires us to balance the drive for productivity with the need for reflection, even if that means pulling back for a few minutes each day to be present with ourselves. Whether it’s a moment of deep breathing before a client meeting or stepping away from screens to clear your mind during your morning coffee, intentionally creating quiet moments helps intuition find a way to surface.

2. Check In with Yourself

You know how your phone has that little battery icon, always telling you how much juice you have left? Imagine if we had something like that to show our energy and clarity. Since we don’t, we need to do it manually! Regular check-ins throughout the day are a way of taking stock—both of our energy and our well-being.

After a couple of deep breaths, I've learned to ask myself two questions: How am I feeling right now? And what do I need?

This clarity helps me stop the looping thoughts that surface when I have been pushing my feelings down. And it provides the information I need to take specific action that will help me stay centered.

These check-ins aren’t just about productivity—they’re about being in tune with your energy and emotions. Consistently checking in with yourself can reveal patterns and insights you might otherwise miss, and help you avoid burnout by recognizing when you’re forcing instead of flowing.

3. Listen to the Answers You Receive

One of the hardest parts about tuning into intuition is trusting what it tells you. Often, when we stop to listen, we get answers we didn’t expect, or maybe don’t want to hear. Maybe your intuition is saying, “Take a step back on this deal” or “Speak up and ask for what you’re worth.” It can be tempting to ignore this wisdom in favor of continuing to hustle, but embracing it allows us to act from a place of calm strength.

Trust yourself when that inner voice tells you it’s time to make a move, even if it goes against the grain or challenges the expectations of others. That’s not just intuition; that’s wisdom you’ve built up from years of experience. And it’s a powerful force.

4. Say and Do What Needs to Be Said and Done

For many women in our industry, our intuition might prompt us to speak up, push back, or advocate for ourselves or ideas in ways that aren’t always “expected” of us.

For me, that has frequently been the answer when I check in with myself: I often need to stop hesitating and just share what I'm thinking. I have a note on my computer monitor that says "Say what needs to be said" as a regular reminder.

Here’s the truth: you owe it to yourself, and to the industry, to let your intuition guide you in taking action. When you blend your own drive and ambition with this softer, intuitive energy, you’re not only stronger but often more effective. Let your intuition guide your words and actions, whether it’s in a boardroom meeting, a client discussion, or an important career decision.

Embracing Intuition as an Edge

At its heart, tuning into your intuition is about finding balance between striving and allowing, between hustle and flow. As women in financial services, we have the power to make a real impact. By honoring our intuition, we’re building stronger relationships, making better decisions, and setting an example for others in the industry.

So, the next time you have that quiet moment, that gut feeling, or that sense of knowing, don’t brush it off. Lean into it. Listen to what it’s telling you. It might just be the game-changing move that sets you apart.

Because in an industry that can feel noisy and fast-paced, our ability to access this inner wisdom may be our greatest, and most uniquely powerful, advantage.

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